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The collection called "Archivio AccasFilm", is made up of audiovisual and paper materials, which in addition to witnessing the professional activity of Marino Nicora Hribar (1939/2001) is of great interest as a privileged source for the reconstruction of the political, social and cultural life of 70s-90s of the twentieth century, for this reason in 2020 it is declared by the Archival Superintendency of Lombardy of considerable historical and cultural interest.

The vast film heritage, mainly in film, is made up of series and documentaries, published or not, and ranges from the most diverse topics; the paper materials document the projects, researches, correspondence and meetings of various titles of the Archive.

Relevant part consists of interviews and specials by Enzo Biagi, initially produced for Telemond and subsequently for Retequattro, managed by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (1981/1984).

A large number of hours documents the places, the works and the protagonists of the history of art; the material comes in large part from the long production, in collaboration with Sansoni and RCS, of “The history of art through images” by Giulio Carlo Argan.

Also of great importance is the collection on the Middle East, certainly one of the most consistent in Europe in terms of variety and number of hours of footage; different ethnicities, faiths, geographies and cultures told over more than twenty years from different points of view.

AccasFilm is the owner of all the original materials and the related rights of exclusive exploitation for the whole world.

A selection of the archive material is available on the channel YouTube.

© 2022 AccasFilm Archive - Milan. All rights and uses are reserved . 

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